So this year, I got a little impatient when it came to waiting for my Christmas presents. I went ahead and bought them all myself and don't even mind that I won't have anything to open Christmas day! Ha. I rarely have a specific "wish" list, but this year I do... well, did. And here it is:
A couple months ago, I came across
this watch on Asos. I fell in love. I have been wanting one with a leather band for a while now and this one just so totally encompassed everything I wanted in a watch. That sounds lame, I should explain. I am the type of person that literally never changes their jewelry... ever. Not to sleep, not to shower, not to go out, not to stay in. I wear the same pieces of jewelry day in, day out until I get bored or it breaks or I lose it and wear some other piece for months and months.... Call it laziness, I call it simple.
In addition to never taking my jewelry off, I feel completely naked without a watch on my wrist. I don't know where or when that started, but I do know that it became an issue when I ran track and cross country in middle school and high school because I always had a big bulky stop watch on my wrist even at formal events, just because I would forget I was even wearing it. Ha!
That being said, I always have to have a watch on, and ideally it would be one that is very versatile. And that's where this watch sold me. It can be worn with jeans and a tee shirt or a dress for date night. Voila! So, I bought it for myself, and then told Fico that that was my Christmas present. NBD. He was fine with that as we had already agreed to not get each other very much at all this Christmas. So now his job is done. He then went on to try and get me to wait til Christmas to open it and wear it! The audacity!
I love it and don't think I will regret at all not waiting to open it until Christmas.
[This one isn't exactly a Christmas present but it is something that I adored and had to have. Plus it was kind of a little splurge so I feel guilty not saying it's a Christmas worthy present to myself.]
So I am a list, planner, and task organizing freak. Seriously. I love notebooks and planners and lists and flags for my lists, you name it, I love it. My day goes nowhere unless I write everything I need to do down and then attempt to cross them all off. If I don't do that, then I end up sitting on my tush a l l day long, and neither I nor my husband enjoy that, ever.
I have been trying to design my own perfect planner for a couple months now and made a great one and had it spiral bound, the only problem was that it was letter sized [too big] and I needed something that would fit in my purse and I could easily utilize.
So, my homemade planner worked wonders for me, until I realized I had over-complicated it. There were just too many steps and lists and categories that I had to keep up with, so it quickly became a nuisance rather than a time-saver. I hated that too because I thought I had finally solved my time management issue, especially after putting so much time and thought into it. I guess it was just too much thought.
So the other day while my husband was out of town I had a lot of time to think about what needed to change in my day to day life. And the answer again was that I did need a planner, but I needed one that was more versatile, and easy to use. That's when I remembered a blog that I had read a while ago where the blogger did a promotion on
Staples' arc customizable notebook system. I had really liked the idea then, but it quickly slipped my mind I guess. Then again recently a friend of mine had one, too. So on a whim on that nasty rainy day that I had my epiphany, I did some research on the product and then pretty immediately ran to the store. I was a little impatient with this one too, and didn't even alert my husband. In addition to the notebook, I purchased the "hole" punch so that I could make my own pages and add them to it.
And here's the beauty of this whole ridiculously long post on a notebook, you can rearrange the pages. They easily pull out and go back wherever you want them in your book. Unlike my spiral bound that I made, I could truly and totally customize this one. So far I absolutely LOVE it. I have been obsessing again over my planner pages -- a lot being reused from my previous planner -- except this time I actually feel myself taking steps forward. Not sitting stagnant trying to figure out what to do next.

I was kind of fantasizing about buying
these boots for a good while before I actually started begging my husband for them. They were $59.50 + tax + shipping and I am just really not the type to spend more than
maybe $30 on a pair of shoes -- and
that's pushing it [yes I'm a cheap-o, but I like it that way]. I would prefer to buy my shoes at the thrift store any day. So by the time Cyber Monday rolled around I had [almost] totally forgotten about them... Until American Eagle sent me an e-mail... [Ok, ok, I admit it, they got me.] And so I saw that
everything on their site was 25% off + free shipping
. Soooo that's when the begging commenced. I didn't actually think I would end up getting them, but I knew that if one day I wanted to get them they would be like $20 more than they would be
THAT day. So after after about 5 hours of changing my mind over them again and again, Fico handed me his card. The little people in my head said "it's now or never". And so I got them. That is the story of Christmas present #3.
So that is my Christmas Wish List that is no longer a "wish" list. They are each, in fact, either already in my possession or in the mail, and I am so content! :)
What's on your Christmas Wish List this year?
P.S. I start my new job tomorrow, wish me luck!