Sunday, September 30, 2012

brother bath bonding time

The other day all of my boys took them a little bath together. This was Anders' first real bath in the bathtub. :) Although I'm not sure he really knew what to think, I know he loved it. 
His face in the last picture cracks me up.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

10 baby items that have saved my sanity

I have always been told that you are given the easy baby first so that people don't talk themselves out of having more. So I was pretty worried that number 2 would be more difficult, and in a way he is. Not in a negative sense whatsoever, it's not so much difficult as it is different. It really is interesting to see how different babies are from one to the next. For instance, Casen used to be perfectly fine when left alone, and he wasn't a huge fan of being swaddled. He didn't do a whole lot of crying and when he did it was pretty easy to get him to stop. Since he wasn't terribly needy, we didn't wear him all that much, just a couple times when we went out. Nursing was hard on the both of us, as I was highly sensitive in that general area and I was back at work the day after I got out of the hospital, so I didn't stick with it quite as long as I had wanted to and gave up sooner than I should have. I will be the first to admit that the necessities from one baby to the next can vary pretty significantly, and it goes hand in hand with how much experience you have in the matter. Obviously with Casen we had had zero experience. Anders, on the other hand, LOVES to be swaddled and held and carried and worn and nursed all of the time and a lot of the things on this list would not have been on my list had I made one when Casen was his age.

Here are 10 things that I absolutely could not live without this time around.

1// Baby Wraps and carriers. I seriously don't know how I would get anything done if it weren't for my sleepy wrap. And I mean that in all honesty. I do the laundry, I vacuum, I play with Casen, I make dinner, I shop, and do pretty much anything else you can think of all while wearing Anders in this thing. It's awesome, too, because he can nurse while he's all snug in his little pouch. :) Plus I love the closeness it brings. There's nothing like a baby sleeping on your chest. It's the sweetest thing. We also just bought a Snugli so that Fico can wear Anders as well. I think the wrap scares him. :P

2// cloth diapers.  Obviously everyone isn't going to use cloth diapers and obviously there is nothing wrong with that, but I personally prefer them. I did not use cloth diapers with Casen (although I considered it many times before he was born) because I thought that it would be too much for me to handle. Boy was I wrong. It really isn't much more work than using disposables, although it does require you to run an extra load of laundry every couple days. It is more expensive up front, but it truly is cheaper in the long run, and it saves on so much unnecessary waste. They are cuter, softer, drier, gentler, cleaner, healthier, greener, etcetera, etcetera. I know that they don't appeal to everyone the way the do to me, but I still think that everyone should try them out. There are so many different ways to cloth diaper and Jillian's Drawers is a great website that allows you to figure out which way is best for you for just $10. You get 6 styles to try for 21 days to help decide which style works best for you and your baby, if cloth diapering is going to be your thing at all. They have a newborn trial and a normal trial. Check them out here. We decided to go with bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Cloth Diapers. (You can choose from tons of colors and buy them here.) They grow with baby all the way from 8-35+ lbs. So you can truly buy all of your diapers up front and never have to buy more until baby is potty trained, which is statistically sooner for cloth diapered babies. (We were also gifted a couple gdiapers which we like, too. I like that they have the option to use either reusable cloth inserts or biodegradable disposable inserts.) There are still times that we use disposables like when Anders is with a babysitter or all of our diapers are in the wash. I keep disposables in the diaper bag, too, whenever we leave the house just for convenience. 

3// swaddle blankets. Like I said before, Casen wasn't big on being swaddled, but Anders is. With Casen, we just used the blankets that we stole from the hospital, but those are super easy for babies to bust and kick out of, so this time around we are using muslin swaddle blankets, and I love them!!! They are awesome. They keep him swaddled pretty much until we unwrap him. We use them as burp rags, too, since this little one does a whole lot more than "spitting" when he spits up. It's more like barfing up everything he just ate... But that's another story. We use this brand and this one. I love them both equally. I also use them as an extra layer to lay on at night to remove if the bed gets wet or dirty, or as a nursing cover while we're out. 

4// Breast pump and booby shaped bottles. If you are breastfeeding, this is an obvious necessity. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend give me her breast pump and I don't know what I would do without it. The electric ones are quite pricy but it's cheaper than you would end up spending on formula if you chose to go that route. My pump is a lifesaver. Anders has not taken well to normal bottles and nipples, so I had to do some research to find what bottles were best for breastfed babies and this is what I found. They are meant to mimic a natural breast. He took to them as easily as he takes to me and they really do reduce spit up and gas when he drinks from them. I really can tell a difference. 

5// Cloth nursing pads  I used disposable nursing pads during the few months that I breastfed Casen and that felt just as wasteful as throwing out disposable diapers. So this time I use these cloth nursing pads which I actually like better anyway. They are softer and more comfortable and I don't feel bad throwing a barely used pad in the laundry hamper rather than the trash. I only have three pair and just keep them rotated. nursing cream. Every nursing mom needs nipple cream. I use medela tender care lanolin. When you first start nursing, nipple cream is an absolute necessity. As time goes on and you "toughen up" you won't need it as often, but every once in a while you still will. 

6// Infant gas drops. Poor little Anders has the worst gas and he gets so upset when he gets gassy. Like I mentioned before, he spits up so much and he rooty-toots like a grown man. It makes him so uncomfortable and these drops make all the difference in the world. (It's actually about time I order more. We've used it so much.)

7// Dry shampoo. Not even kidding. I would walk around with wet and/or greasy hair most days if it weren't for dry shampoo. It's one of the best inventions ever. 

8// Baby swing. Our baby swing is our secret weapon when it comes to getting Anders calm. I swear that baby could stay in that thing all day if he never got hungry or soiled his cute little britches. We found this swing at a garage sale for $20. I know... I know!

9// Stroller. This is one of those things that actually wouldn't have been on my list had I been making it when Casen was a baby. I didn't do much going out when he was little and we very, very rarely ever used a stroller. This time though, sticking both boys in their two seater stroller has proven to be necessary quite a few times. Even just to get out of the apartment and take a little stroll. It's really a win win win because it calms the baby, it gives Casen a chance to run around like the toddler he is or just chill and take a ride, and it gives mommy a little bit of a break to get out in the fresh air and see something other than the boring walls of this apartment and the monotony of folding clothes and doing dishes. I wrote a post a while back about how excited I was to have found our stroller at a Kid's consignment sale here. The stroller that we have is currently out of stock on Amazon but this is the next step up from that one.

10// Naps. No explanation required. I try to fit in a nap as often as possible.

This list obviously doesn't consist of everything you'd need for baby, and every Momma has her own personal preferences. These are just the things that I personally could not live without. Since this is my second stroll through the park, it is easier now to narrow down the things I truly need and the things that aren't 100% necessary. You don't need a duffle-bag sized diaper bag, just big enough for your diapers, wipes, a burp rag, and an extra outfit. And it doesn't need to match all of your baby items, make sure it fits your style since you are the one that will be lugging it around! I, personally, refuse to use diaper bags, I just use small purses. You don't need 30 pairs of socks, five is actually pushing it. You don't need 75 outfits for your newborn. Just a few since they aren't very tiny for long. They grow through clothes so fast! 

These are pretty much all of the things that I couldn't live without when it comes to being a mom and staying sane. Although my husband may never understand, I know that as a mom, I am not alone in hanging onto my sanity by a string! 

What are some of your necessary baby items that you could not live without??

Monday, September 24, 2012

around here: It's fall y'all!

We had a really good weekend if I do say so myself! It was pretty relaxing, and the weather is close to perfect! Yay! Saturday we woke up and got straight out on the garage sale scene. Didn't find anything super exciting, you never know what you're gonna find from one sale to the next, but it was fun none-the-less. We went to go eat at Ihop for brunch and it was delish. Took the boys home for a nap and then I went out [on my own!!!!] to a cute little vintage shop in Five Points and to the mall. I pretty much need a whole new wardrobe since none of my clothes fit me from pre-preg. Ughh it's so frustrating still not being able to button any of my pants. I knew I shouldn't have eaten all of those Swiss rolls while I was pregnant. Snap! Sunday was even more lax. Woke up and colored with my biggest boy and sat the little one up in his new [$5 garage sale find] bumbo! Once Daddy rolled out of bed we took a little stroll. It was chilly but it felt so wonderful after this ridiculously hot summer we had! I made English Brown Stew for lunch. Umm, YUM! It's one of my favorite fall meals. I grew up with my mom making it and it is a super comfort food for me. Thank goodness I doubled the recipe and made enough for like 5 days worth of meals! Haha. Then I ran to the mall again because F21 was having a 50% off of sale items sale. Meaning I got like 15 things for less than $100. Like I said, I really needed that!

1. coloring with my boy // 2. baby footsies! // 3. big boy sitting in his bumbo [don't worry, not for too long!] // 4. updating my planner for the next couple of weeks // 5. flowers around the house always make me happy // 6. dancing kook // 7. weirdest thing I've ever seen... no idea what it is... any ideas? a fruit of some sort? yuck! // 8. casen trying to figure out what it is // 9. daddy pushing the boys // 10. sabrina wanted to carry anders in the wrap... this is what she got, lol // 11. english brown stew simmering on the stove [recipe is here]

Recipe: English Brown Stew

This recipe is super quick and easy. It's one that I grew up on. I personally double the recipe so that we can have enough for leftovers in the coming week. It really just gets better with age! It is such a yummy stew for fall! I love it and will definitely use this recipe for many years to come! 

If you can't read the directions in the picture, you need:
  • 1 lb beef chuck cut in 1" cubes 
  • 2 1/2 C water
  • 2 Tbsp chopped onion
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • dash allspice
  • 1 tsp sugar 
  • 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp worcestershire sauce [we call it "wooster" 'round here]
  • 1/4 C tomato juice or ketchup [I prefer ketchup]
  • 1 C small onions [you can just sub more chopped onion]
  • 1 C sliced carrots
  • 2 C cubed potatoes
  • 1 C diced celery 
Flour meat and brown in hot fat. [I just used vegetable oil.] Add water, onion, seasonings, wooster, lemon juice, and tomato juice or ketchup. Cover and simmer for 2 hours [or atleast 30 min]. Add veggies and cook for an additional 30 minutes or until veggies are tender.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happiness is...

1. Kissing sweet, soft baby lips and cheeks. 
2. The moment you crawl into bed at night after a long day.
3. Finding a SUPER bargain at a yard sale or thrift store.
4. Crossing everything off of your to do list.
5. When you walk outside and you can feel summer turning to autumn.
6. A blank journal just waiting to be written in.
7. Fresh flowers.
8. Taking a walk in the morning before anyone wakes up. 
9. Spying on little ones while they sleep.
10. Fall scented candles!

Monday, September 17, 2012

up on the mountain

Sunday was the first day in a long time that we were able to spend the whole day together as a family with no responsibilities. Fico has been in school and working pretty much all day every day ever since this semester started, and we really don't get to see much of him anymore. I have so much respect for how much time and effort he puts into everything he does, with hardly a complaint. I am so grateful that he works so hard to provide for our little family, and he is doing such a great job. 

So anyway, this Sunday we went up the mountain to Monte Sano State Park to let Casen run around some, and boy did he! We need to let him out of his cage more often because he took a great nap that afternoon after we went out to eat. I actually got a little nap in myself! It was WONDERFUL. Then we went to dinner at my parents' house. All in all it was a great, relaxing Sunday. 

Oh yeah, and Auburn finally won a game. War Eagle :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Some sweet photos of my boys

These last two are my favorites. Mainly because they are actually sleeping
I think I love them the most when they are asleep. 
Ha, that's a joke. 
But I know you know exactly what I mean!

Sunday, September 09, 2012

These Days...

...through the lens of instagram.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Around Here

1. Daddy's ever expanding bomber collection 2. Our prettiest blanket 3. Sleeping baby fingers
4. Finally got a shower curtain for the guest bath 5. Casen's new favorite "fox packpack"

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Anders Cain Escalante

So I am quite a bit late posting this, but we welcomed the newest little member to our family on Thursday, August 2. Anders Cain was born at 1:01 pm measuring 7 lbs 15 oz and 20.5 inches long. He is the sweetest, most alert little baby, just like his big brother. He will be a month old tomorrow and he is growing extremely fast, too fast. He already pretty much holds his head up on his own and isn't a little ball anymore :( But he is starting to be more aware of what is going on and he is becoming more and more a part of the family every day. Just me and my boys. I love it :)