I wish I lived at the zoo. So many of the animals we saw were just vedging like those kangaroos up top and the pandas and the tigers, etc. Man life would just be so awesome, minus the fact that I'd be living locked in a zoo, but you get what I'm trying to say ;)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
A day at the zoo: Part 1
A couple of weeks ago, we decided to take a sporadic trip to the zoo. It was one of those mornings where Fico and I didn't have anything big we needed to get done, but we just wanted to get out and do something different rather than sit around the house all day, so we decided to load up and take the boys to the zoo right then and there. We told Casen that where we were going was a surprise and he had a fun time taking guesses as to where. None of them remotely close, haha. Fico did end up spoiling the surprise in the car by dropping the "Z" word just in conversation and Casen with his quick ears caught it before either of us even realized he'd said it. That child's brain is a sponge I tell ya. Anyway, that obviously didn't ruin the surprise as Casen was super excited THE ENTIRE TIME we were there. He didn't want to stop to look at anything in particular for longer than 5 seconds. He just wanted to runnnnn. Of course. He's a three year old boy, I'd be silly to expect anything else.
After we looked around at all of the animals, we went for a train ride and rode on the carousel. Then we took the boys to the splash park and let them run loose in the fountains. Anders, especially, was super cute because he had only just started walking a few days prior.
We really had a lot of fun as a family. It was the perfect day to be outside and there weren't too many people there since school was back in, so we really had a very pleasant day. With no meltdowns or fits!!! And of course both boys passed out once we headed home, they were worn out.
We have already talked about going back again soon.
After we looked around at all of the animals, we went for a train ride and rode on the carousel. Then we took the boys to the splash park and let them run loose in the fountains. Anders, especially, was super cute because he had only just started walking a few days prior.
We really had a lot of fun as a family. It was the perfect day to be outside and there weren't too many people there since school was back in, so we really had a very pleasant day. With no meltdowns or fits!!! And of course both boys passed out once we headed home, they were worn out.
We have already talked about going back again soon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Meet our newest baby, Orbit!
So, we went garage sale hopping on Saturday morning and ended up coming home with a new baby! Meet Orbit!
When I walked up to the sale, he pounced right up to me and started licking my toes! I immediately fell in love right about the time that the woman (who was having the sale) told me he was free! She told us that he was a stray and the poor thing was COMPLETELY covered in fleas. Fico and I debated over whether or not it was a good decision to take him home for a good 30 minutes in this woman's driveway, and ended up coming to the conclusion that we would 100% regret it if we were to leave without him. The woman that was giving him away literally gave us a litter box, a carrier, and food and water bowls for free along with the kitty. We kinda got hooked up, haha. She just really wanted us to take him because she could tell how much we all loved him, including the boys. They fell in love almost as quickly as I did.
He is seriously the perfect pet for our family. So far he is super loving and cuddly, playful, curious, friendly, and hilarious to watch. The boys have so much fun with him. Casen is doing really well with him so far, but Anders in another story. He's kinda hilarious with the cat, but he also scares the crap outta me, we are trying to teach him that it is not okay to carry the kitty around by his neck or his ear or his leg for that matter. I'm kind of kidding, but seriously, he gets a little bit TOO excited with him. Orbit doesn't seem to mind. They get along so well, regardless.
We really couldn't be happier with him and we already love him so much!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
A birthday on the square
I'm terrible at planning birthday parties or fun activities. For anyone: my husband, my friends, my parents, myself, and most importantly my kids :( I'm kind of a procrastinating, scatter-brained, social-a-phobe and the thought of arranging a get together with more than one or two people stresses me out... Just laying it out there! So Anders' birthday was approaching and we still had no plans... Then "Aunt" Jen and I decided it had been too long since we had seen each other and decided to get together for a small little birthday at Marietta Square. Thankfully, Daddy was free and "Uncle" Kevin tagged along and we all had a pleasant time enjoying our gelato and watching the boys play at the "choo choo park" (which just happens to be Casen's "favoritest favorite park" EVAR!) A good time was had by all. Love you guys!
Monday, September 09, 2013
One Year Down!
August 2 was Anders' birthday. Somehow a year has managed to pass us by. I truly don't know how this happened. Anders was that little baby that rocked my world. Obviously we expected that life change with Casen who changed my life by giving my the forever title of "Mom", but the change that occurred in me when Anders was born was quite unexpected. I just assumed that we were adding another number to our family. Rounding it out. Making our family more "legit", so I was surprised when he drastically changed my life by his entrance to this world. My pregnancy was "easy", my labor and birth experience just as much so, but man he turned my life upside down on August 2, 2012. I remember looking at him late one night in the hospital and thinking, "Oh my gosh, this is real life. I am now a mother of TWO." I kept repeating it to myself, as if I hadn't had 9 months to get it to sink in. Of course it didn't, as big things in my life rarely do. (Darn you, Depersonalization.) Even then I still wasn't aware of how much weight that carried.
Since bringing Anders home from the hospital, I have been humbled in so many ways. Casen was a very easy baby in regards to how much attention he needed, but Anders was another story. He was completely dependent on me for comfort, since I was (and still am?!?!) strictly nursing and we co-slept, so he grew to be very mommy-centric. It was like being a new mom all over again. We had to use all new tactics and strategies with this one. (So funny how that works.)
All this to say, Anders has made me realize what is most important to me, and that is my children and my family. His arrival has caused me to look deeper behind what I truly want deep down for me and my family. He helped push me to learn how to follow through and make changes that I know need to be made. He kinda put the stamp on my future in the sense that he helped me realize, "Hey, this IS real life." My life. My babies, my boys, my responsibility, my passion, my joy, my everything. So with the birth of Anders not only did we welcome his new life, but mine as well. For that I will forever have a special place in my heart for him and these lessons I have learned since he joined our family.
Happy belated birthday baby boy. <3
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Belated Beach Trip: Part 2
This was Anders' first time swimming in the ocean. He was with us when we came down for Christmas last year (part 1. part 2.), but this was the first time he got to really experience the waves and the sand between his toes. He LOVED it. I mean LOVED it. It was the cutest thing seeing him play in the water. Talk about pure joy. Casen, of course, had a blast, as usual. He doesn't stop moving, ever. He dug holes with Mimi, flew the kite, swam for hours, and spent a lot of time in his float. We all had a great time. I was lucky to get to read a chapter of my book between keeping up with the two of them.

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