Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Me time.

 1. light streaming in the kitchen window and over into the bedroom || 2. me and brother years and years ago || 3. ginger peach tea with honey, mmmm || 4. listening to cars pass by and birds sing || 5. emma's tea room || 6. homemade strawberry bundt cake and strawberry ice cream || 7. pratt ave. || 8. it is officially spring!! || 9. digging through storage to find stuff to sell || 10. my next [easy] furniture refurb. || 11. my goals for 2012 prettified || 12. my cozy cozy bed that i have all to myself for one more night. i think im gonna go bellyflop on it. oh wait, that's prob not a good idea! i keep forgetting how big my belly really is! =P 

1 comment:

  1. I love your prettified goal list....and your goals. And your picture taking skills.


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