Tuesday, April 02, 2013

eight months

This sweet little guy is eight months old today. Wow, I seriously have been having the hardest time lately any time I think about how fast time is moving. With Casen's third birthday last week and realizing that my "teeny" baby is now EIGHT months old. I may just have a pre-mid-life-crisis...

Anders is the smiliest, most active and alert, sweetest mama's boy I've ever met. I am so in love with his little squeaks and coos in his raspy baby voice. I love snuggling up with him to nurse at night, and when he rubs his face on mine to let me know he's hungry and/or tired. I love how excited he gets and then he tries to "eat" my words when I sing to him... Yes it is super slimy, but I love it anyway. I love having to chase his little booty to come back in the middle of a diaper change. He just always has somewhere to go. I love that I am his comfort zone. In turn, he is mine. 

He loves his brother so much, and gravitates to him throughout the day. Then at night he will try to burrow into him while he sleeps, only to be shoved away by that big sleeping toddler. He is constantly pulling up on EVERYTHING including his brother, again only to get pushed down. (They really do love each other, promise.) He will probably be walking in the next month or so. As much as I try to soak these days in, they just keep flying by. But one thing is for sure, I have loved every single day with this baby boy so far, and he has brightened my world more than I ever thought possible. 

Since Anders' birth, I have become a totally different mother, wife, daughter, and all around individual. I owe so much of that to the birth of this sweet angel. I'm not sure what it was, but upon his arrival I didn't know if I would be able to handle a new addition and worried about how I personally would manage. But since the day we first laid eyes on him, he has shown us time and time again how lucky we are to be a (growing) family and how perfectly he fits right in. Although Casen changed my life for the better when he was born (three years ago last Friday), Anders took my personal changes to the next level. (At this rate I may be perfect if we have like 16 more children, lol.) I can truly say that my children have saved my life. Both of them. They have helped me realize who I want to be. They give me a reason to live. They make me want to thrive. I am excited to see what the future holds and where this little rascal -- and myself -- will be in these next eight months. 


fyi // the necklace he's wearing is an amber teething necklace
Yes, I know he looks like a little girl, thank you very much, lol 

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