I think I have finally mastered the skill of getting both boys to bed without falling asleep in the process, so now I am able to make time for myself at night (hence the reason I am actually able to write a post right now) lol. That being said, I've been spending all of my free seconds lately reading. Gosh! It feels really good to say that. I've been trying to find this time for months!
I have a few books going right now. I really need to learn how to finish a book before starting another
(blame it on my ADD baby.)
A Reasonable Life by Ferenc Máté This is an awesome book for anyone that is wanting to head "toward a simpler, secure, more humane existence". Máté is quite an extremist when it comes to many of his perspectives, but 95% of it, I couldn't agree more. I have found myself laughing often and fuming just as frequently. It has gotten me worked up on a few topics, just because I wish people would open their eyes, but that's another rant for another day! Anyway, I'm finally almost done with this one after having put it down for a couple of months!
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert I'd been meaning to get around to this one for a while, and then I stumbled across it at a garage sale a few weeks back, so I took that as a push in the tush. So far I'm LOVING it. I can relate to Gilbert in SO many of her crises and viewpoints. It's a very real and enlightening book and I'm looking forward to the second half.
The Unschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith This book was a good starting point for me to get glimpses into the day to day lives of a bunch of unschoolers and it has a TON of unschooling references and places to look for answers to my many questions.
Momfulness by Denise Roy Gosh, I don't know what is taking me so long with this one, especially since it's probably one I need the most. I started reading it before we moved back in May! It's a book on how to be present and mindful as a mother in everyday situations no matter the chaos. Patience is not my strong suit. Like I said, I need this one the most!
Learning All The Time by John Holt Although I have read much about Holt and his stances on youth education through the countless hours I have spent researching home/unschooling, this is the first book I've actually picked up by him. So far, it's very to the point and covers a lot of topics that I have had a few questions about in regards to handling certain situations. I literally just started this one today and am almost halfway done with it, so this one will be checked off pretty soon.
Honestly, these are just a handful of the books that I am actually actively reading. There are a few more that I have started and haven't picked back up in a long time, and others that aren't meant to be read from cover to cover that I will pick up to skim through from time to time.
Oh lawd, and then there's my expansive e-book shelf.... I'm not even gonna get into that one.... Talk about overwhelming! Agh! Haha, in all seriousness, I love reading and I try to do so every chance I get.
Do you have any book suggestions? What are you reading right now? :)
*These are all affiliate links, so if you end up clicking through and purchasing one of these books listed, I will get a small commission from the purchase amount. I will also be adding them to my Amazon Store in the side bar. Cheers! :)
The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree, I once read.