Thursday, March 29, 2012

My baby is 2 today!

So today is my not-so-little-anymore boy's second birthday!! I can't believe how fast time has flown and that my little munchkin is already walking [more like running everywhere] and talking in full sentences. He can count to 10 and almost has 1-20 down! He knows his ABCs. He sings songs back to you even if he's only heard it one time. He knows exactly what he wants and will tell us exactly how to get it for him. He loves to build robots with blocks and drive his little gummi cars [vitamins] around the dirty loft floor. He is hilarious and knows just how to make us laugh. He talks to EVERYONE [which can annoy mommy sometimes] and isn't shy until they talk back, but that's still adorable. He gives kisses willingly and will ask for more if that's what he wants. He gets excited about french fries when we go through the drive through at the bank. He is such a delight to have in my life and I feel that I don't show him enough how much he means to me. It's hard for me to think that soon, he won't be my only baby anymore and sometimes I feel guilty. Like I haven't given him enough of me yet to be already bringing another little one into our family. He is going to be such a good big brother to this new little addition, but until then I am going to smother him with as much love and affection as possible because he deserves it, and because he is my only little crazy guy for now. This will be his last birthday as an only child and we're gonna make it count, so we're going to CHUCK E CHEESE tonight! Hoo-hoo as Casen would say! I love him so much it hurts sometimes. 

Now if only he would wake up from his nap because now I want to go squeeze his guts out.

Happy Birthday Big Boy. I love you muy muy mucho.

A B-day Haircut

 This little nut has been needing a haircut for quite some time now. He got his first haircut when he was about 17 months and since then I have cut it just about once a month! He got his daddy's good-n-fast hair growing gene apparently cuz he sure didn't get it from me! So today I took about an inch off of his curly cues. He was a good, still boy for me, too, thank goodness! Although I did end up having to put on some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the ever useful iPad.

Birthday Picnic on Monte Sano Mt

To be honest I'm not a big birthday person. And I hate that for my children, so I will eventually need to work on that, or they will hate me. But for now, Casen is only two and doesn't even know it's his birthday. Since he's already had one family birthday party with Daddy's side of the family and will have another probably this weekend with my family, we decided to keep today chill and just go up to Monte Sano State Park. It was a gorgeous day so we packed ourselves some lunch and headed up the mountain :) Casen played and played until it was time to go home and take a much needed nap! It was a good time. And we got a couple good shots of his new clean clothes before he plopped in the creek! Haha. Oh well, what more can you expect from a 2 year old boy?

P.S. Shouldn't mothers be celebrated on our children's birthdays too? After all, we are the ones that actually gave birth  to them. Just saying ;)

 He wanted to take his clothes off and get in the water. Lol.
There were annoying gnats all over the place so he kept slapping himself in the head... Over and over. It was really pretty funny. 
Much too preoccupied to talk to Mimi. 
Picking mommy a flower. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Me time.

 1. light streaming in the kitchen window and over into the bedroom || 2. me and brother years and years ago || 3. ginger peach tea with honey, mmmm || 4. listening to cars pass by and birds sing || 5. emma's tea room || 6. homemade strawberry bundt cake and strawberry ice cream || 7. pratt ave. || 8. it is officially spring!! || 9. digging through storage to find stuff to sell || 10. my next [easy] furniture refurb. || 11. my goals for 2012 prettified || 12. my cozy cozy bed that i have all to myself for one more night. i think im gonna go bellyflop on it. oh wait, that's prob not a good idea! i keep forgetting how big my belly really is! =P 

Monday, March 19, 2012

thank you God for consignment sales

Okay, so how awesome is this stroller?! Puh-retty awesome, in my opinion. I was online this morning obsessing over looking at it on Amazon, and actually added it to my baby registry. In my looking for baby things online, I thought to check on the dates for one of our local kid consignment sale here in Huntsville, Kids Market. Turns out, today was the first day it was open to the public! So me being husband and baby-less, I meandered on over to the chaos that is a consignment sale. I walked straight to the stroller area, and there IT was!!!! My stroller, including the carseat attachment!!! I practically yelled "dibs" on it immediately as soon as I saw that it was $150 cheaper than it is online. It's in fairly good used condition, just needs a little cleaning and we'll be all set! So excited to stroll my boys around together. I love that the seats can face any direction. Not a big fan of other seating options in double seaters.

I also bought an Evenflo carseat that is in GREAT condition. To the point where I'm not even sure it was ever used, which is awesome. And it was at least $40 cheaper than if I'd bought new. Got some awesome bargains today! :) Yay! I didn't even spend $200 total on everything I ended up picking up! Love consignment sales! Who would ever want to buy anything new?! :P To each [her] own.

Though, all the money you end up saving is cancelled out by the big chunk of your day lost from waiting in line for so long... I waited over an hour and a half to check out! Eeek! Thankfully I was around some pretty funny women and cute babies to pass the time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby BOY!

I can't believe we're gonna have another little boy!! I am sensing even less quiet in the years to come, and I can't wait! Casen is going to be such a good big brother, if we can ever get him to share nicely!

Monday, March 12, 2012

First Post of 2012! Really?!

I created this blog with the intention of keeping up with it, and I have OBVIOUSLY not done a very good job of that. Of course that was one of my New Years Resolutions and that one shattered pretty dramatically. Oh well! I hope to get better at keeping up for my memory's sake.

Today we went to the doctor for an ultrasound to find out the sex of our new baby on the way! I was so sure it was a girl, but as soon as we took a look I was proven wrong. Looks like we will be having another little Fico running around soon. He will be here on or around July 28! Which just so happens to be my brother's birthday, as well as my father-in-law's [who passed away a year ago next month].

We are so excited.