To get down to the crux of it, we are now finally semi-settled in a quaint little home on the corner of a cute and quiet little street right outside of downtown Marietta.
Just to summarize the past 2 months:
We were originally not planning to move back over to GA until the very end of May. We thought we had a solid chunk of time before we had to say our goodbyes to everyone in Huntsvegas, then the unthinkable happened. We lost a very, very dear friend/family member and plans changed abruptly. We had to load up and say our goodbyes in a matter of days instead of the anticipated weeks and head back to Georgia in a flash. It was a whirlwind couple of weeks dealing with the loss, as well as the new beginning. It was entirely bittersweet. While staying in a tiny day bed with a trundle in my mother-in-laws house, Fico and I were both spending countless hours trying to find a rental online and driving all over Atlanta to find the perfect home as well as the perfect location. (The latter was just as or more important than the house itself.) We thought we found the winner and waited almost two whole weeks to hear back from the stupid property management company whether or not we were approved for the house. We genuinely thought that we had it in the bag, so we didn't do any more searching for the better part of those two weeks. Boy were we silly. Anyway, we got the news that there was another application that was better suited for the property and we were BUMMED to say the least. I mean, we had gotten our hopes up SO high thinking that this place was our new home. Later that morning out of pure frustration, we hopped in the car with steam coming out of our ears and drove around for hours looking for a rental sign out by the road. And then we spotted one!! So, we called and the woman on the phone had no idea her husband had even put the signs out yet. She said he must have just put the signs out minutes before and that we were the first people to call. She didn't even yet know how much he was wanting to ask for it. As soon as I got off the phone with her, I was certain that we were going to live in this house. I just had that feeling, ya know?? So later that evening the owner called us back, gave us the details and we scheduled to see it the next morning, even though the price was a bit out of our price range. Soooo, the next morning we went to see another house that better fit out budget that we had come across online, but was not in the best area of town... We were on the verge of settling with that one, but wanted to go see the other house just in case. On the drive over, we had the bright idea to see if we could get the landlord to come down some on the price (to that of the other more affordable house) if we were to take some of the home upkeep responsibilities off of his hands. He didn't even hesitate before saying yes! He actually left us alone with the house and told us to lock up behind us when we left. The second he drove off, I started squealing. This was it, this was the house! So as soon as we made our rounds and looked some more, we called him and scheduled to meet up at the house again the following morning to sign the lease. He didn't do any background checking or anything. He said he just liked us :) So the following day we signed the lease and started moving in THAT DAY! We stayed one more night with the MIL and then we were home free. It was like a dream come true how perfect the house felt for us. I feel that everything fell in to place at just the right times, for just the right reasons. It feels so wonderful to love where you live. Oh! And I haven't even gone in to detail on the location. We are literally a 7 minute walk to the Historic Marietta Square. There is so much to do and so many fun events there throughout the year, I can't wait! We already once walked up to the farmer's market a couple weekends ago and yesterday I walked with the boys to play at the park and get some ice cream. Now I just need to get a bike and throw one on the front and one on the back. Then we can cruise around anywhere and everywhere.
Needless to say, our home needs a LOT of work, but we are making progress a little bit every day! It feels so much like home already and I have so many ideas in store to make it feel even more so. I will keep you posted with all of the random things that we do around here going forward :)
Anyway, that is just a little summary of what we have been up to and now I leave you with a handful of pics that we had taken before we left Huntsville:
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