Sunday, July 14, 2013

Our Backyard Flock: Week One

Introducing the newest additions to the Escalante Clan.

Owning chickens has been on our things-we-definitely-plan-to-do list for as long as we've been talking about our future together, so we knew we'd end up with a little backyard flock, we just didn't know when. My family had chickens back when I was in high school and continued to have them after I left the nest (pun intended), so I knew that they made great little pets. We were expecting to wait a while until we got everything a little more settled with our new house, but I got a little impatient, as is my custom, and we went ahead and took the plunge.

Even though we had been talking about getting chickens for a while, the way we went about it was completely spontaneous. As I was scouring Pinterest for landscaping and gardening inspiration a few nights ago, I decided to just sketch up what I had in mind for our own back yard and started thinking about where the chicken coop would end up. That led to me searching Craigslist for baby chicks just to see if there were any in the area, which led to me finding a hatchery 10 minutes down the road, which then led to me telling Fico that I wanted to go "look" at some the next morning, which led to us actually going to "look" and leaving with four wittle chicks. Haha. So between the thought of getting chickens and actually getting them, I don't even think we let 18 hours pass. That's just the way I roll. I'm a little premature when it comes to deciding if timing is right or not. We didn't even have food, containers, pine shavings, or any form of heat for these little ladies ready for them. But we made it work and now they are full, warm and happy.

When we got them a couple days ago, they were 4 and 5 days old already, so they are a week old now and I am planning on taking a pic of each of them every week for the next few months since they grow SO fast and change so much in such a short period of time.

We couldn't be happier with these sweet girls -- at least we were told they were all girls, crossing our fingers -- and the four of us are already bonding with them well. I can't wait to see Anders and Casen grow up with them. Casen has taken on such a nurturing big brother role already. It's sweet to watch. All Anders does right now is get really excited and shout at them. Haha. He will learn in due time.

1 comment:

  1. Most everyone would enjoy chickens, and most anyone with even a little yard should have them, even if they are commando ("illegal") chickens. So much good comes from having these feathered friends as part of a family. I'm grateful that you're part of the renaissance (in so many ways.)


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